Bolagsskatt i England
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Bolagsskatten i UK är beroende på vinsten
Bolagsskatt i England är vinsten 50.000 pund (+667.000 kr) eller mindre 19% Är vinsten 250.000 pund eller mer 25%
- 19% for taxable profits below £50 000 (small profit rate)
- 25% for taxable profits above £250 000 (main rate)
- Margin rate relief (marginal avdrag) is provided by the HMRC
- Basic allowance limit under the self-assessment for the period 2022-23 is £12,570
- Dividends: you can either tell the accountant the dividend at the time of declaration and they will consider the same form there or the same can also be traced in the business bank account.
The accountant can help you with the dividend planning as well and you just need to share the information before the end of the period so that the accountant can make the necessary calculations and get back to you accordingly. - You can get registered for the PAYE services and in return, you can get a fixed monthly income from the company if your company generates good revenue. This will lead to greater tax efficiency in the company and better planning as well.
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